Android - Reverse Engineering
⚠️ 將 extract.bat, apktool.jar, apk 放在相同目錄。
@echo off
REM Set the directory where apktool.jar is located
set APKTOOL_DIR=%~dp0
REM Enable delayed variable expansion
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM Loop through all APK files in the same directory as apktool.jar
for %%f in ("%APKTOOL_DIR%*.apk") do (
REM Get the APK file name (without extension)
set APK_NAME=%%~nf
echo Decompiling APK: !APK_NAME!
REM Decompile the APK
java -jar "%APKTOOL_DIR%apktool.jar" d "%%f" -o "%APKTOOL_DIR%!APK_NAME!"
echo All APK files have been decompiled!